Blog » Google Ads Posted on 1254031065|%a %b %d, %Y|agohover by manton
A couple of days ago, I enabled Google Ads on this site. This site and these projects takes a fair amount of work, so I thought it might be a worthwhile experiment to see if displaying ads could be a small source of revenue to help pay for some of my time. I am not a fan of ads generally, so I don't show the ads if you are a member of my site or of wikidot. Now you have another reason to sign up with wikidot, or on my site… no ads!
It appears that if people click on ads, I make $0.39 per click, which is actually really good, and certainly higher than I expected. Alas, so far very few have done so. Now, don't take this as a solicitation of clicks, as Google does not allow this, but if an ad looks interesting to you, check it out, but don't do it only because I suggested that you do. :-)